I took my moonstone along with me to therapy – turns out it has ADD too

Is there a shortcut to mental health?

Why hasn’t an app been developed yet which allows us to stay in balance with who we are – is this really something we have to cope with with our real life heads? We’re on Mental Health Care waiting lists, our medication isn’t working out, we keep on meditating till we’re blue in the face, we’re just always looking for that one way that actually will prove to work. We keep on trying to make the best of things, but seem to have lost track what we are – or are not – looking for in the first place. On Monday morning we simply wash away our thoughts about that weird party – during which we took some sos from somebody we only just met – with a fresh wheatgrass shot. #self-care, yeah right.

In this literary performance writers Sayonara Stutgard, Sophia Blyden, Babeth Fonchie Fotchind and Yentl van Stokkum explore this vague phenomenon called selfcare.