Borealis: the human side to the stories from the most northerly forests in the world

‘If the Amazon is the left lung of the world, the Boreal forests are the right.’ Former Zomergasten host and travel journalist Jelle Brandt Corstius journeyed to the most northerly forests in the world, where climate change is already discernible. For his Borealis project, he visited the vast wooded regions together with photographer Jeroen Toirkens, in search of people and stories. Who lives there? What do their lives look like? And what is their relation to the forest? At Explore the North the two will share their experiences on the road. The books written by Corstius include Universele Reisgids voor Moeilijke Landen (Universal Travel Guide for Difficult Countries), while he also presented the NPO series Van Moskou tot Moermansk (From Moscow to Murmansk) on Dutch national television.

Fotocredits: Jan Boeve